| HideThisApp plugin for Volumouse
HideThisApp is a plugin for Volumouse utility that allows you to easily hide the current active window by pressing a key combination (hot-key).
Pressing another key combination will show back the window that you previously hide.
Installing And Using HideThisApp Plugin
- Copy the plugin file (HideThisApp.vpl) into the folder of Volumnouse.
- Exit from Volumouse and run it again.
- In Volumouse, in one of the rules, select 'Hide/Show Active Window' as a component.
- Under 'Use the wheel when:' choose 'Use hot-keys instead of mouse wheel'
- In the Advanced rule options: Select hot-keys for hiding and showing the active window.
(Increase = Hot-key for hiding the window, Decrease = show back the hidden window)
- In the Indicator type select 'None'.
- Click Ok in the Advanced Rules dialog-box, and then in the main Volumouse options dialog-box.
- Now... go to the window that you wish to hide and press your hot-key combination (in our case, it's Ctrl+Shift+H)
If you did everything right, the window should disappear from your desktop.
To return back the hidden window , press the 'Decrease' hot-key. (in our case, it's Ctrl+Shift+S)