Viewing the list of Registry keys modified in the last hours/days

Sometimes you may need to find out which Registry keys have been modified in the last hours or days. By using the RegScanner utility, you can get the list of all Registry keys that have been modified in your system in the time range that you specify.

In order to configure the RegScanner utility to do that, follow the instructions below:

  1. Run the executable file of RegScanner (RegScanner.exe)
  2. In the 'Registry Scan Options' window, check the 'Add entry for each found key' and 'Add only keys' options.
  3. Choose 'Registry item contains any value' in the matching combo-box.
  4. Check the 'Display only keys that their modified time is within the following range' option, and then select the modified date/time range that you want to view.

  5. Click the 'OK' button to start the Registry scanning. After the scanning process is finished, you should get the list of all modified Registry keys in the date/time range that you specified. You click the 'Key Modified Time' column header for sorting the list by the modified time.