Hash Check For Downloaded Tools

You can use the following hashes to verify that the file you downloaded is identical to the file on the nirsoft.net server. When there are multiple downloads for the same software, you should compare the hashes of the same filename that you downloaded. You can click the hash in order to copy the hash to the clipboard.
Optionally, you can use the HashMyFiles tool to calculate the hashes of downloaded files and then when you click the hash on this Web page and it's copied to the clipboard, HashMyFiles automatically marks the file in light-green color if the hashes are identical.

You can also use the BrowserDownloadsView tool to automatically calculate the hash of downloaded files. Simply select one or more download items in the main window of BrowserDownloadsView, and from the right-click context menu choose the desired hash (MD5 or SHA1 or SHA256 or SHA512) and the calculated hash will appear under the hash column. After the hash is calculated, you can press Ctrl+H to copy the hash to the clipboard.

Be aware that the hashes in this page are updated every few minutes. If you download a file immediately after a new release, you might see here the hashes of previous file.

What to do if the hash on your system is different from the hash displayed on this Web page ?

  • Check if you have any Antivirus or Firewall that blocked the downloaded file or put it in quarantine. There are some Antivirus programs that may detect the downloaded file as a threat and modify it without telling you.
  • Try to clear the cache of your Web browser and download the file again or try to download the file from another Web browser.

Filename browserdownloadsview.zip
Download URL https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/browserdownloadsview.zip
File Size 245171 Bytes
Update Time July 08 2024 08:56:08
MD5 Hash b75cde1a6a1fdd7f2a5f04635a682ba7
SHA1 Hash 9e5fe24e7bdcc95f4d92d0d7b1496f391c7eafce
SHA256 Hash f708586fdca3259b4fe0ac716cec5c2a93ae4bfac3107e4ce9092a7bfe4cf732
SHA512 Hash 21835110e570ca87fd2af40d755e359041cafa76783f79e209f3148f2c216b78d2f95ed62e35c1337f8ed1f26fc6eca269069e1ab43b36d954cd3b18263dc62c

Filename browserdownloadsview-x64.zip
Download URL https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/browserdownloadsview-x64.zip
File Size 293418 Bytes
Update Time July 08 2024 08:56:09
MD5 Hash 721499ae9e7a143e9fc0497ad39a2101
SHA1 Hash 1ea3060f1b9a9ec3ec7b97d778a7b943383542ac
SHA256 Hash 772868a90114e84b83068bfb417b4b7afefea12f26a62b2287bcc41486d29653
SHA512 Hash dfacb0ee05db45ff66f5bd1f8786c4d0e9e697124fa5f2df4531404bc19763bf5708ffb5962a4ce06f78305f8347dfa4fcf77cce729be659f66eb74f63fc8369

Filename BrowserDownloadsView.exe
Stored In https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/browserdownloadsview.zip
File Size 369152 Bytes
Update Time July 08 2024 15:53:56
MD5 Hash 47e341e375ff90b56bd004af8b9e187a
SHA1 Hash 83658b3432495cf22c166807441cba15541d16c6
SHA256 Hash 075e85b175e99875fb2078156be1699baa3fd3a7c380caf8df8a51564a4ad83f
SHA512 Hash 626c1e86dfe0fd7f10a2c78f15eba294bb40abff48d738b9f89434310c30a963627a2e3e9cd6268afa22e51356db6bb768fbe8e133b7f6d9eca7f5c15b1bccc4

Filename BrowserDownloadsView.exe
Stored In https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/browserdownloadsview-x64.zip
File Size 499712 Bytes
Update Time July 08 2024 15:53:40
MD5 Hash d40e6b512892c7560cf804f0b88ac9b6
SHA1 Hash ecf1e99e7147c433600f4b9011c01c21f1def907
SHA256 Hash 9e3f919e1e6945f4a5453908a402cc9fb6638e397c77fd8c772a2b0c536bad8c
SHA512 Hash 6732b7768ad4e46aaeb026b4ebe8ffd1e10c92acd8b830858cd075f9783a55d7c3b37b558f1b92cac8709a7eebf7e3814b548c89dee7f4c4e12041de1a52a51c