Hash Check For Downloaded Tools

You can use the following hashes to verify that the file you downloaded is identical to the file on the nirsoft.net server. When there are multiple downloads for the same software, you should compare the hashes of the same filename that you downloaded. You can click the hash in order to copy the hash to the clipboard.
Optionally, you can use the HashMyFiles tool to calculate the hashes of downloaded files and then when you click the hash on this Web page and it's copied to the clipboard, HashMyFiles automatically marks the file in light-green color if the hashes are identical.

You can also use the BrowserDownloadsView tool to automatically calculate the hash of downloaded files. Simply select one or more download items in the main window of BrowserDownloadsView, and from the right-click context menu choose the desired hash (MD5 or SHA1 or SHA256 or SHA512) and the calculated hash will appear under the hash column. After the hash is calculated, you can press Ctrl+H to copy the hash to the clipboard.

Be aware that the hashes in this page are updated every few minutes. If you download a file immediately after a new release, you might see here the hashes of previous file.

What to do if the hash on your system is different from the hash displayed on this Web page ?

  • Check if you have any Antivirus or Firewall that blocked the downloaded file or put it in quarantine. There are some Antivirus programs that may detect the downloaded file as a threat and modify it without telling you.
  • Try to clear the cache of your Web browser and download the file again or try to download the file from another Web browser.

Filename outlookaccountsview.zip
Download URL https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/outlookaccountsview.zip
File Size 63508 Bytes
Update Time November 22 2023 13:53:07
MD5 Hash 0722c1304b91f636d97523e82291ff83
SHA1 Hash d1b9c09e1884d5bd1364284c35b3c21ddafb44b3
SHA256 Hash 600d5d1582800804d014f9d4edf6eb40101c3dbf21c5e81b139efdf5bdd934d4
SHA512 Hash 4fd85ca498b5296a69e75f05dee31472a23ac2bf38f2aa018d4886288898ff71b56022e56715d256d72d96cc48d533ad90a7d045e9163d7e0d131ea73051af19

Filename outlookaccountsview-x64.zip
Download URL https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/outlookaccountsview-x64.zip
File Size 78357 Bytes
Update Time November 22 2023 13:53:08
MD5 Hash c36c9af84fb6038ef0dfe01fb892694d
SHA1 Hash ad41fe6f4d606c3442cb0f77e33d88c52e437e01
SHA256 Hash daeeb3457233036b7bf8663ee30709ccda480ad31b7f9b88ec10c49ae3421e17
SHA512 Hash 2d5623dede2146bf8f834ce22971afedaa2a2de8cf491d1b7fbc351dc69596fde887fff1e39b28df4d4b6d4c7e57be011b34f95a51af9641276a4a363d695916

Filename OutlookAccountsView.exe
Stored In https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/outlookaccountsview.zip
File Size 100864 Bytes
Update Time November 22 2023 20:52:10
MD5 Hash b586e423e550179f8b13268e430507c3
SHA1 Hash 6534d510edbe31272e848b7a18ba88b8bd9a25f4
SHA256 Hash 1e42a5ca6361a94081e1dbda4a255b2e00e67de6d1d57de325d1e16b6dfeb621
SHA512 Hash 58abf83b2824bb523c7ffe9746058029ad883250cb4d3254834fd6ddf0c82edd64be6788d1f695395a99a052dc1fbffa20335fe00d51c18b71c479d56c0a8b43

Filename OutlookAccountsView.exe
Stored In https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/outlookaccountsview-x64.zip
File Size 141312 Bytes
Update Time November 22 2023 20:52:00
MD5 Hash 18002996f3b5d2fe40efcfc87b411e28
SHA1 Hash 657e39e3180089c23b0145d4c8bec8d88708b9e3
SHA256 Hash a9583f6905e64e635675b343adbf45cc370184355d6f32bbece36fb4c484c793
SHA512 Hash f80fe96863b8101da08667dfabf7402cfb7f692f8920c0f5e171eb817a868f781c53c3d356567f280c0b004a946d4c8d8628a68a73405f7b20bd5dd7a1787060