Sunday, May 31, 2009

Update for dll register/unregister utility - RegDllView

RegDllView is a small utility that displays the list of all dll/ocx/exe files currently registered on your system, and allows you to easily unregister/remove file registrations that you don't need anymore.

The new version of RegDllView (v1.35), has a few new useful features:

  • Added Drag & Drop support - When you drag .dll/.ocx files from Explorer into the window of RegDllView, they are automatically registered.

  • Added Re-Register files option - Allows you to register again files that already registered. (For fixing problems with registrations)

  • Added 'Open Folder' option.

  • Added 'Register File' option.

  • Added x64 version for handling dll registrations in 64-bit environment.

  • Also, Fixed some problems with the 'Unregister Selected Files' option.


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