NirSoft web site provides a unique collection of small and useful freeware utilities, all of them developed by Nir Sofer.
If you are looking for Windows password-recovery tools, click here.
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To download a package of all NirSoft utilities (Updated every week), go to this Web page.

See also: Video Streaming Capture Tools, Windows Registry Tools, Domain/IP Lookup Tools

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Here's some examples of what you can find in NirSoft Web site:

What's New 
04/09/2024 Update: InstalledAppView v1.09
29/08/2024 Update: ChromeCacheView v2.50
28/08/2024 Update: FolderChangesView v2.37
26/08/2024 Update: WifiInfoView v2.94
19/08/2024 Update: SearchMyFiles v3.30
15/08/2024 Update: HandleCountersView v1.19
12/08/2024 Update: QuickSetDNS v1.36
10/08/2024 Update: ProcessTCPSummary v1.22
08/08/2024 Update: WifiDiagnosticsView v1.06
05/08/2024 Update: DriverView v1.51
03/08/2024 Update: MobileFileSearch v1.49
31/07/2024 Update: ProcessTCPSummary v1.21
30/07/2024 Update: DNSDataView v1.75
20/07/2024 Update: BrowserAddonsView v1.30
17/07/2024 Update: NetworkOpenedFiles v1.63
12/07/2024 Update: SmartSniff v2.30
11/07/2024 Update: LiveTcpUdpWatch v1.55
08/07/2024 Update: BrowserDownloadsView v1.50
05/07/2024 Update: PingInfoView v3.15
01/07/2024 Update: NTFSLinksView v1.35
27/06/2024 Update: FolderChangesView v2.36
25/06/2024 Update: WirelessConnectionInfo v1.20
22/06/2024 Update: TCPConnectProblemView v1.07
18/06/2024 Update: PingInfoView v3.10
17/06/2024 Update: ManageWirelessNetworks v1.14
12/06/2024 Update: HandleCountersView v1.18
09/06/2024 Update: OutlookAttachView v3.53
07/06/2024 Update: WebBrowserBookmarksView v1.13
04/06/2024 Update: OutlookAddressBookView v2.44
02/06/2024 Update: OutlookStatView v2.30
30/05/2024 Update: UninstallView v1.51
27/05/2024 Update: BrowserDownloadsView v1.46
22/05/2024 Update: AppReadWriteCounter v1.42
19/05/2024 Update: GUIPropView v1.30
16/05/2024 Update: InsideClipboard v1.26
14/05/2024 Update: Clipboardic v1.19
10/05/2024 Update: InstalledAppView v1.08
08/05/2024 Update: SimpleCodeGenerator v1.16
03/05/2024 Update: Volumouse v2.15
01/05/2024 Update: Clipboardic v1.18
30/04/2024 Update: ProcessTCPSummary v1.20
23/04/2024 Update: NirCmd v2.87
20/04/2024 Update: SimpleCodeGenerator v1.15
19/04/2024 Update: BulkFileChanger v1.73
17/04/2024 Update: InstalledPackagesView v1.10
15/04/2024 Update: USBDriveLog v1.13
10/04/2024 Update: PingInfoView v3.05
06/04/2024 Update: SearchMyFiles v3.25
04/04/2024 Update: TCPConnectProblemView v1.06
02/04/2024 Update: SimpleCodeGenerator v1.14
01/04/2024 Update: ControlMyMonitor v1.38
29/03/2024 Update: MetarWeather v1.78
27/03/2024 Update: ManageWirelessNetworks v1.13
25/03/2024 Update: IPNeighborsView v1.02
22/03/2024 Update: InsideClipboard v1.25
18/03/2024 Update: Clipboardic v1.17
14/03/2024 Update: OutlookAttachView v3.52
11/03/2024 Update: WifiInfoView v2.93
08/03/2024 Update: WinDefLogView v1.05
06/03/2024 Update: RegScanner v2.75
03/03/2024 Update: MobileFileSearch v1.48
29/02/2024 Update: Wireless Network Watcher v2.41
26/02/2024 Update: ImageCacheViewer v1.31
25/02/2024 Update: MetarWeather v1.77
21/02/2024 Update: Product Key Scanner v1.03
19/02/2024 Update: WinDefThreatsView v1.15
15/02/2024 Update: ChromeCookiesView v1.76
14/02/2024 Update: FileTypesMan v2.00
13/02/2024 Update: NetworkOpenedFiles v1.62
12/02/2024 Update: SearchMyFiles v3.24
08/02/2024 Update: SimpleCodeGenerator v1.13
06/02/2024 Update: WifiHistoryView v1.65


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